Oral Cancer Awareness

Oral cancer refers to cancers of the mouth, lips, tongue or throat. According to Canadian Cancer Statistics, approximately 3 people will die every day from oral cancer in Canada. If oral cancer is detected early, treatment can be very successful.
Get the Facts. Reduce your Risk. Know What to Look For.

Did You Know?

Get the Facts:

  • Fastest growing new oral cancer cases are in a younger, sexually active male or female who often does not smoke or have any of the typical risk factors.
  • Oral cancer can be sexually transmitted by the human papilloma virus – HPV - the fastest growing sexually transmitted infection.
  • There are 3X as many cases of oral cancer to cervical cancer.

The Good News

You Can Reduce the Risk:

  • Eliminate use of tobacco products and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid combination of tobacco and alcohol.
  • Eat a well balanced diet.
  • Avoid unprotected exposure to the sun.
  • Limit number of sexual partners to reduce risk of getting the HPV infection.
  • Have regular dental hygiene visits including oral cancer screenings.

What to Look For?

  • Red or white patch in the mouth.
  • Lump or thickening of tissue in the mouth, neck or face.
  • Sore in the mouth that bleeds easily or does not heal within 14 days.
  • Numbness in the mouth or face.
  • Persistent earache in only one side.
  • Sore under a denture or appliance that does not heal.
  • Hoarse throat that lasts for a long period of time.
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing, speaking, chewing or moving the jaw or tongue.
  • Wart-like masses inside the mouth.



CDHA is extremely proud to partner with the Oral Cancer Foundation and the American Dental Hygienists Association on the #checkyourmouth campaign. http://checkyourmouth.org. To learn more, visit the website, read these great articles by CDHA members Jo-Anne Jones and Alexandra Sheppard, and watch this video with an important reminder from Jo-Anne of the importance of self-examination and the subtle signs of oral and oropharyngeal cancer.